I won a contest!!!

 I know, I know.  I couldn’t believe it either.  After entering several blogger’s contests, I was finally a winner!!! 

Check out the details:  http://autocards.blogspot.com/2009/01/and-winners-are.html

Zach from Autographed Cards does a great job on his blog and now I was the lucky winner of 20 random packs of baseball cards.  Today the cards arrived and I am thrilled to have found all of this: 


Just as promised, 20 packs of baseball cards!!!  SWEET!!!!  But wait, there’s more…


And more…. 3 San Diego Padres autographs.  Although I am not a Padres fan, I will always enjoy adding a few more autographs to my collection!!!


And saving the best for last…  2 Rickey Henderson cards to add to my player collection.  And 2 Andre Dawson cards I was missing from my collection of ‘The Hawk’s’ Cards!!!


To say that Zach went way above and beyond is an understatement.  I am shocked by his generosity and will do my best to add a few signed cards to his ‘Autographed Cards’ collection.  Thanks Zach!!!

One response to “I won a contest!!!

  1. I didn’t figure that you were a Padres fan. But I had some extras and what would a contest from “Autographed Cards” be without a few autographed cards?
    I’m glad that you liked everything. Let me know if you get any good cards out of the packs.

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